Lawyer 'very surprised' no one has sued over coyote attacks in Stanley Park
Rebeka Breder and Lesley Fox: Coyotes in Stanley Park are a human problem, not an animal problem
The BC Bear Alliance (BCBA)
Animal lawyer Rebeka Breder says Vancouver doesn't have a coyote problem, it has a human problem
Grounding horse slaughter flights focus of Jann Arden’s, nationwide petition attention
Strata wants dog removed because he is four inches too tall
A pet sitter tortured their dog. Why they fear his six-month sentence puts other animals and people
B.C. kills 237 wolves while court challenge of air hunt pending
Pets in condos: advocates press stratas to adopt more animal-friendly bylaws
Investigation Of Canada's Controversial Horse Slaughter Industry.
No implied warranty for 'used goods' kitty in case that highlights pets as property
The Great Bear Hunt Debate